A Saucey Course
品牌A SAUCEY COURSE是由设计师 MORI QI和艺术家SILIJI 共同于2020年底所创⽴. 以“艺术是别样的打⼯, 打⼯来追逐艺术”为品牌的内核. A SAUCEY COURSE擅⻓捕捉⽣活中的趣味作为灵感以⼀种玩味的叙事⽅式和艺术化的设计语⾔结合, 巧妙的⼯艺细节将⼈们精神上的考究和⽣活中的松弛转化为服装, 并利⽤服装这个载体捕捉每⼀位“art babe”真实, 随性且洒脱的⽇常与瞬间.
MORI QI 齐 嘉 梦 | 服 装 设 计 师
毕业于伦敦时装学院男装硕⼠专业, 其作品曾于伦敦victoria house展出. 她擅⻓将男装的精细做⼯及复杂⼯艺巧妙地运⽤在⼥装创作中. 以此消融惯常的时装体系中男⼥装的⻛格界限, 带给品牌独特的“突破男⼥边界感”“松弛⽽精致”的意蕴。
实 力 姬 | 艺 术 家 / 品 牌 创 意 人 / 博 主
纯艺术绘画专业为背景, 先后为多个服装及⽣活⽅式品牌提供核⼼的美学框架及内容创意. 后于⽇本东京旅居并研习⾯料等传统⼯艺的同时(现也负责品牌图案设计), 因独特的语⾔⻛格在⽹路为⼤众所知. 梦想以多种身份追逐“美”, 并向⼤众提供各式各样“美”的体悟.
A SAUCEY COURSE was founded by designer MORI QI and artist SILIJI in 2020. To "art is another kind of work, work to pursue art" as the core of the brand. A SAUCEY COURSE is good at capturing the interest in life as inspiration, combining an interesting narrative with artistic design language, converting people's spiritual exquisite and relaxation in life into clothes with ingenious technological details, and capturing the truth of every "Art babe" with clothing as the carrier. To provide casual, free and easy daily life.